Sunday, July 28, 2013

Suggested improvement for nodejs LOAD_AS_DIRECTORY module loading algorithm

In  the process for module loading is described.


1. If X/package.json is a file,
   a. Parse X/package.json, and look for "main" field.
   b. let M = X + (json main field)
2. If X/index.js is a file, load X/index.js as JavaScript text.  STOP
3. If X/index.node is a file, load X/index.node as binary addon.  STOP
It is nice to be able to require a folder name and have it automatically try to load index.js,
however when editing multiple modules having multiple index.js files open might become confusing or at least uncomfortable.

I wanted to suggest to add 

4. If X/LAST_PATH_FRAGMENT(X).js is a file, load X/LAST_PATH_FRAGMENT(X).jsas JavaScript text.  STOP5. If X/LAST_PATH_FRAGMENT(X).node is a file, load X/LAST_PATH_FRAGMENT(X).node as binary addon.  STOP

this way I can name the main js with the same name as the folder and stile just use require('mymodule') and it will load mymodule/mymodule.js.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Finding breaking changes in Adobe Cordova for PGB users

I have encountered a problem with Phonegap Build where some of my code stopped running.
Turns out there was a breaking change:

Before Cordova 2.2.0, the Connection object existed at:
To match the spec, this was changed to navigator.connection in 2.2.0. was left in place but was deprecated and was removed in 2.3.0.

I was not able to find any single place to read about such breaking changes.
see my Q to the people at phonegap build here:

Eventually I ended up with the following Google search: ("API Changes" || "API change")

I hope this will help some one else.
If you know of a better way to keep track of breaking API changes - please leave a comment.

Monday, February 25, 2013

echoing bash and mysql commands when running in "batch mode"

I was working on doing some migrations on a Linux machine.

Those migrations required me to execute some Unix commands (using a bash script file) and running some SQL statements to make some changes to my MySql DB.

The entire set of commands was to be called from the console after executing a script -t 2>~/mylog.time -a ~/mylog.script command so that the execution output would be saved to a file.

The problem was that the log file did not show the actual commands that where executing, only their output and on the MySql script not even the output was displayed.

So I was looking fro something like the old dos "Echo On" command.

After doing some reading I found the following:
As the first command within my bash script (after the #!/bin/bash) I added the command set -vx.

  •  -v Prints shell input lines as they are read. 
  •  -x Print command traces before executing command. (so that variables names are replaced with their values). 
To disable this echoing set +vx at the end of the bash script.

As previously stated, in my shell script I also wanted to execute some SQL statements on my DB.

So I created a file that had the following single line:
mysql -u rewardy --password=mypass --database=mydb --default-character-set=utf8.

Redirecting of stdin to this file like ./ < sql_statements.sql got the statements in sql_statements.sql to execute on the DB but I didn't even see the output of the SQL commands (and obviously not the commands themselves either).

To make this work I modified the file by adding two parameters at the end of the original line: mysql -u rewardy --password=mypass --database=mydb --default-character-set=utf8 -vvv -t

  • -vvv Causes the echoing I wanted
  • -t      forces printing to use the same formatting as used on interactive console sessions
I hope this helps.

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