Monday, October 31, 2022

When grepper answers are RTL

If you are not a developer, go away... no, I am just kidding, you can read on, however this is mainly targeted at developers. If you are not using Grepper that you migh consider using it, have a look at

Anyway, for me, even though grepper was finding great answers, It was unusable because it was displaying them with RTL alignment because that is the default for browsers set with hebrew prefrences.... (yes, I know... but its a computer used by the rest of the family too...) so as I was saying: the solution was in the shape of a chrome extention called "Javascript & Css auto injection" installed,

Added a rule set to run
when page starts with http
on page init
and has the following code:

    var el=document.getElementById('search')
}, 1000);
and there you go... enjoy.

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