Tuesday, June 19, 2007

flash cs3 - I can cut and copy but I cant paste

For about a month or so I am studying how to use flash,
Its nice to learn something new...

We bought the new adobe flash CS3 and this is the enironment I am using.

There are many complaints I can make about this environment,
following the issue of haveing no runtime errors and poor debugging environment
the biggest productivity killer for me was the fact that it is set to use ctrl-X,ctrl-C and ctrl-V for Cut, Copy and Paste respectively while my fingers are trained to use ctrl-Del,ctrl-Insert and shift-Insert for those actions.

Every copy and paste action that I do, I do twice ....

After asking about this in experts-exchange.com where I am active under the alias SnowFlake I was pointed to the "Edit, Keyboard Shortcuts..." menu.

For a few seconds I was very happy...
I went along and set up my favorites and not I can cut and copy using my favorite keys, paste (Shift-Insert) however, still refuses to work...

Anyone else has this problem ? Anyone else solved it somehow ??

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